Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Mathex Winners!!!

Congratulations to me and my team for winning the Mathex competition. It was really tight between us and another school, since we both had the same amount of answers that were correct but we were both stuck on one question. But it came up to the school with the least incorrect  answers. And we won by one incorrect answer, but a win is a win no matter what. My dad was even there to see it.We went to The Golden Arches (a.k.a McDonald’s) after that. But I’m really proud of my team and everything we have accomplished.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

My drawing in Sumopaint

 For our session with Mrs Krausse we used a thing called Sumopaint to draw something related to the story, for me I was drawing an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) and pretty much all of the class.And that is what I started with, I named the png “Art in the making” because I was going to call it “Start” but for some reason it didn’t type St, but now back on track this is what I started with, I’ve hadn’t had a chance to draw the person and the other features but that will be in a future post.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Tuesday 28th Work

 This is my first time blogging in a long time, but I’ll blog more often since I remembered about it.

Friday, August 13, 2021

The Aronui Games

 Well done to our team getting three points but I still think we deserve more.There some things that we need to improve on like communication and team work but that´s all.Although it is suspicious giving your own class five points but we still deserve it.

This is the the point system:

1 point-Participation

2 points-Participation,Sportmanship

3 points-Paticipation,Sportmanship,Encouraging each other

4 points-Paticipation,Sportmanship,Encouraging each other,Team colours

5 points-Paticipation,Sportmanship,Encouraging each other,Team colours,Team work

I think my attributes are Encouragement and Sportmanship and maybe Team work,and that is probably everyone´s elses.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

My Blog Visits

           So I checked how many people have visited my blog and this is the results.(Most of it is probably my classmates). 


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Codes to Create

 So before I tried to blog about this but it was complicated to explain so I'm trying again.About a few weeks ago we started making codes on google sheets.So first we made our names and then we coded it,we had to write on the same line how much whites (from left to right) then how much blacks.The image on the right is a minecraft Steve being fire balled by some blazes.It took about a month,and now I'm thinking about how to code it,(it might be even harder to explain).Here's some links if you want to crack my code or see what my Minecraft Steve looks like in full action. 

PP Code 2  (If you want to crack my code)

Minecraft Steve (If you want to see my Minecraft Steve)

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

A Little Checklist

For some instructions of my work I had to see if my buddy's post was quality.I had to make a copy of the some checklist which is the image below and use it to review my buddy's post.And also my buddy is Levy and this is the link to his blog:https://rslevyk.blogspot.com/.And Levy's blog post only got 1/65 points,so I guess he didn't put much thought into it.Nevermind he deleted it,but it still got 1/65 points.